December 13, 2010

Snowed In

I'm sure its been on the news across the country, but this weekend we got walloped with snow! And it was great! It made me feel like a kid again, just looking out at that winter wonderland and getting giddy thinking about all the fun to be had in it! Unfortunately, we weren't able to enjoy it as much as we would have liked since Brett is still nursing his sprained ankle and I'm nursing a wicked cold, but a weekend of rest was definitely appreciated by both our bodies!

There was no where we needed to be, so we were able to sit tight and relax Saturday through Sunday. We weren't sure we'd be able to make it out of our neighborhood if we tried, so we didn't bother trying! Lots of reading, baking, and just enjoying each others company!

Here are some of the photos I took over the weekend showing our snowed in adventures!

Saturday a snow emergency was declared in St. Paul, so on Sunday, we had to move our cars. We woke up at 7:00 so we could have them moved by 8:00 as deemed by the snow emergency rules. This is what my car looked like in the morning...
But at least it wasn't as bad as this car!
The work of digging out went pretty quick with two of us.  The snow was nice and light - instead of heavy wet snow which would have been extra hellish!  So finally, after much huffing and puffing, we got both our cars dug out.
Happy to be done digging!  For now, at least...
Days like this are some of my favorite in Minnesota. Where nature just stops us in our tracks and makes us pause whatever else is going on. Also, its really fun to see all your neighbors out working to clear the snow! Everyone lends a hand and helps each other out. If someone is stuck, you go help shovel, push, pull, whatever you can do! Even just walking around in the cold, everyone smiles at each others and gives that little nod that says, "I'm f-ing cold, too, but we're in it together!" It's great!

Here are some more snow shots from the weekend...
Our frosty porch windows in the morning.
This shot is from out our front window...the plows had come through one way, creating this four foot tall snow berm that trapped all our cars in!

Then, this morning, I'm walking in to work and all the sidewalks on my way there are cleared until I get to the steps and walkway up to my building...
The walkway up to my building.
The steps into my building.  Getting everything initially cleared is first priority!  Making sure its nice and easy to navigate comes second!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Oh wow. Now I totally know why the football dome caved in. I don't know how that snow missed us, but I can't exactly say I'm complaining. Although I am super jealous of many of my Michigan friends who have a snow day today.

  2. For safety reasons it's great that it was on the weekend, so hopefully people didn't try to go anywhere unless they had to, but geuze! If it would have waited a day or two we totally would have had a snow day, too!

  3. I'm jealous! all we've had is rain!
